King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

  1. 20 January 1936
  2. Wallis Simpson was a socialite for 19 June 1896
  3. They met in 1931 when Edward was a prince at a social meeting with the elite of London society. This was also when Wallis was already married.
  4. The marriage was opposed by the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth
  5. His only choice was to abdicate from the throne because of complications with Wallis being divorced multiple times.
  6. They married after Edwards abdications and they stayed together until they died.
  7. After King Edwards abdicated, this effected the whole succession line. His brother Albert took over the role and became George VI.
  8. Two lovers who’s marriage caused lots of controversy, the marriage was unaccepted by a higher power. They married despite the disagreements.

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